memory3D |
project description:
memory3D is the second application I worked on using the Virtual Laser Systems play system and the shark3d engine. During my second internship (1999) at VLS Ulrich Staudinger, another intern at VLS, and me did memory3d in about 1 and a half months. We were able to do concept, graphics, programming and project coordination all on our own, without further guidelines to respect - apart from the ones the hardware put us up with - refer to project 'TowerZ' for details. Thanks again to VLS for trusting us on this project.
As customers demanded an updated and more attractive version of the old memory, programmed with a 2D game engine, this was a rewarding and sort of urgent project to do. The game is now available in standard demonstrations and shows for customers to book. Please visit the Virtual Laser Systems website for details.
As 'pioneers' into a new era of the shark3D engine, memory3d was the first ever production game for VLS using shark3D version 3.0.